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Seriously - NOT!

As much fun as we have designing and making your custom charging products, we are always on the lookout for what others are making in the world of 3D printing. A while back, a contest was held for iPhone designs. I laughed so hard I had tears....

iswattriSwattr by ianjohnson - An iPhone fly swatter!

ibrushiBrush by polymaker

imixeriphone mixer attachment by sprylo

iupgradeiPhone upgrade kit by ID_Jonathan

rabbitearsRabbit Ears for iPhone by HipsterLogic

trailerhitchiPhone Trailer Hitch by tinyenormous

ipeeipee phone dock by steverindy

iphonephoneiPhone phone by TheNewHobbyist

icakeEdible iPhone Case by ID_Johnathan

itvMakerBot TV TV stand by TheNewHobbyist

itooliPhone Rotary Tool Mount by Physics_Dude

iwediWed - the iPhone engagement ring by avrgeek

ighettoGhetto fab iPhone holder by Chucko

wheeliebotWheelieBot by tinyenormous

ithroneiThrone Deluxe by cyamon

All rights reserved by their respective owners

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